LIFT Project – Lesson Study in Future Teacher Education

WP5 – Outreach

LIFT project outreach consists of two related general objectives: to disseminate the project outcomes in different target groups and to engage representatives of these groups in interactive shaping of the future of LS use in Europe. LIFT outreach is targeted at the wider audience of teacher educators and researchers, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and policy makers. They all are involved in the international Lesson Study Community using different channels. In addition, the general community interested in LS is targeted. More specifically, they are approached through the following objectives:

  • Dissemination channels: LIFT website and different social media channels are used to for different target groups to increase the impact of the LIFT project outcomes at local, national and international levels.
  • Outreach plan: Roadmap describing guidelines for reaching out to different target groups, when and how different channels are used and outreach activities are organised in relation to project flow-related input needs and outcomes.
  • LS repository: Hosted on this LIFT website, it will include the primary LIFT blueprint and all other resources collected and developed throughout the project, such as videos, lesson plans, and learning materials. After piloting the LIFT blueprint, the repository will host short clips from preservice teachers conducting LS, as well as other relevant material.
  • Presentations and publications: Project partners will focus on research-oriented and practitioner-oriented conferences, including WALS, EAPRIL, EARLI, and EARLI SIG, with attendees interested in Lesson Study. National teacher educator and teacher conferences, as well as relevant online platforms, will also be targeted. Additionally, international scientific publications will be pursued.
  • Multiplier events and webinars: Three onsite multiplier events in Estonia, Cyprus, and Portugal to cover different areas of Europe will be organised. Three international online webinars targeting teachers, TEs and researchers, and policy makers, respectively, in English and six national contextualised webinars in local languages will be organised to share the best practices of the LIFT project and discuss them to get feedback to the outputs and input for developing further policy briefs.
  • Policy briefs: One policy brief will be created at European level to make recommendations about the use of Lesson Study in European countries. Another policy brief will be created for dissemination at national level and this will be adapted and translated to local languages of all countries of LIFT project partners. Policy briefs will provide different target groups (e.g., people responsible for developing initial teacher education programmes, people at the ministries of education, and national, regional and local educational administrators) with specific recommendations to develop educational policies in line with the outcomes of the LIFT project.

WP5 is led by Dr Margus Pedaste from the University of Tartu (Estonia), Dr Maria Vrikki from the University of Nicosia (Cyprus) and Dr João Pedro da Ponte from the University of Lisbon (Portugal).

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