LIFT Project – Lesson Study in Future Teacher Education

Lesson Study

Lesson Study is a method in teachers´ professional development where teachers work together in small groups to identify areas for improving their teaching and their students’ learning. Collaborating teachers analyse the existing situation, set learning goals and together they plan a lesson and predict how the pupils will react. The lesson is carried out by one teacher (or more) with the other participating teachers observing and making detailed notes about selected pupils. Afterwards, during a joint discussion, the teachers reflect on how their ideas worked in an actual lesson and try to find the best ways to achieve greater impact on pupils´ learning through their interventions. The Lesson Study model originates from Japan where it is widespread practice.

The aim of the Lesson Study method is to improve the teaching process, gain better knowledge of the impact of their choice of teaching methods on learners´ thinking. This is beneficial to all participating teachers, regardless of their teaching experience. The model is taught in many Initial Teacher Education programmes around the world, and within the LIFT project, the researchers aim to create a European blueprint to help more teacher educators and pre-service teachers in Europe to incorporate the Lesson Study method into their regular practice.

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