Article on perceptions of mathematical discourse
LIFT project team is happy to share with you an article that might be of your interest. Raquel Vieira and João Pedro da Ponte from the Universidade de Lisboa (University of Lisbon, Portugal) studied prospective mathematics teachers in their research lessons. Qualitative approach revealed that detailed prior preparation of the research lesson can strongly benefit the performance of the prospective teacher. However, this does not guarantee that the lesson is not strongly centered on the teacher. The study distinguished four aspects of prospective teachers’ perceptions of mathematical discourse: 1) teacher’s role, 2) questioning, 3) explaining mathematical thinking, and 4) mathematical representations. We believe that these could be used in systematic analysis or planning process in your research and/or practice as well. This article also gives a good overview of the depth of observations done in applying lesson study approach. Please click here to read the full article.

Reference: Vieira, R., & Ponte, J.P. (2024). Mathematical Discourse in Research Lessons from a Lesson Study with Two Prospective Teachers, Acta Scientiae, 26(1), 233-265. DOI: 10.17648/acta.scientiae.7846