Here you can find the latest articles about Lesson Study by the team members of the LIFT project.
Stay on topic: Topical (mis)alignment between lesson study research activities and its relationship with teachers’ perceived learning. Uffen, I., de Vries, S., Goei, S.L., & Verhoef, N.C. (2024). Pedagogische Studiën, 101(3), 266-305.
Global insights on lesson study in initial teacher education: A systematic literature review encompassing English, Japanese, and Chinese language sources. Tan, S., Goei, S. L., & Willemse, T. M. (2024). Teaching and Teacher Education, 152, 104791.
Mathematical Discourse in Research Lessons from a Lesson Study with Two Prospective Teachers. Vieira, R., & da Ponte, J. P. (2024). Acta Scientiae, 26(1), 233-265.