LIFT Project – Lesson Study in Future Teacher Education

Utrecht University

The Freudenthal Institute (FI) is part of the Faculty of Science of Utrecht University in the Netherlands (circa 60 staff members). The institute aims to contribute to a better understanding of the learning and teaching of science and mathematics, in order to develop improved models of education. The FI research program covers a wide range of educational settings, ranging from pre-school education, primary, secondary, vocational and higher education including teacher education.

The influence of the work of the Freudenthal Institute is reflected in the Dutch curricula, which try to develop basic competences in science and mathematics by linking science and mathematics to societal issues, and innovative pedagogies with inquiry-based activities and by connecting students’ strategies with carefully chosen didactical models. In the research and development of these models, Lesson Study is a central component. Several research projects have contributed to the development of higher order thinking skills in science education, by engaging teachers in the development of teaching materials and lessons through Lesson Study.

The Freudenthal Institute participates in the Graduate School of Teaching, Utrecht University’s teacher education program. In this program the FI has introduced Lesson Study, currently as an elective course, but the Graduate School plans on integrating LS in the main part of the program. The institute collaborates closely with other science and mathematics education institutes in the Netherlands, for example through national expertise networks such as the teacher educator’s network Elwier-ECENT in which FI has a leading role.

Schools are an important target group for collaboration. In the U-Talent network, the institute collaborates with more than 45 secondary schools on talent development, teacher training and research. Internationally, collaborations exist with a variety of international institutes, European (e.g. the ICSE network) and worldwide. Apart from collaboration in funded international projects (mainly EU-funds), collaborations exist in the form of visiting professorships, committee memberships and guest researchers. Utrecht University is a partner in the Dutch LessonStudyNL consortium and has participated in the organization of national Lesson Study conferences and the international conference of WALS, the World Association of Lesson Study, in 2019.

Key persons in LIFT project

Wouter van Joolingen is the project leader in Utrecht University. He is a professor in mathematics and science education and has more than 30 years of experience in research and teaching, as well as in international research projects. His research concerns the development of higher-order thinking skills in science education, including modelling, system thinking and inquiry-based learning, and their support using technology, such as computer simulations and dedicated tools. In recent years, he started applying Lesson Study as part of a research approach involving teachers in the design, implementation and evaluation of teaching and learning interventions. The main drive behind this approach is that it bridges the gap between research and practice through the intense involvement of teachers. Within the teacher education program of the Graduate School of Teaching, Wouter van Joolingen initiated the course on Lesson Study in initial teacher education. His work on Lesson Study in research and teacher education has resulted in several publications in international journals.

Micha Ummels is an assistant professor at Utrecht University. He is a science teacher educator and can draw from extensive experience as a biology teacher in secondary education for twenty years. His research concerns the development, implementation, and evaluation of context-based lesson materials, focusing on embedding cross-cutting concepts, promoting conceptual coherence, and integrating socio-scientific issues. For several years, he managed and studied professional learning communities of teachers conducting practice-based research in their schools. At the moment, his research addresses how practice-based research conducted by pre-service teachers as part of their teacher training program impacts their future professional development as teachers. Through the combination of knowledge and experiences from theory and practice, he is well-equipped to implement Lesson Study in teacher education.

Contact information

Wouter van Joolingen w.r.vanjoolingen[at]
Micha Ummels M.H.J.Ummels[at]

Utrecht University

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